Cast Bios

Gail Lynn
Inventor / Author / Filmmaker
How Healing Leads to Innovation
Gail Lynn is a renowned visionary, inventor and pioneer in the realm of frequency healing, celebrated for her ground-breaking creation, the Harmonic Egg®. She went on to also create the Ellipse® and the LiFT™. These innovative sound and light frequency chambers, designed with the aim of fostering holistic healing and wellness, stands as a testament to Gail’s visionary approach to promoting mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. She is also the author of ‘Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing: Why science is looking to the past for the future of medicine’.
Licensed Naturopathic Doctor, Author, Teacher and Energy Intuitive
My work, as that of most health care practitioners, began with my own health challenges. A debilitating spinal condition left me feeling I had no control over my life, and would never be pain-free or healthy enough to manifest my dreams. As everyone who suffers with chronic pain or illness knows, the desire to heal can push us in directions we don’t expect. Standard medicine could not improve the quality of my life, so I turned to alternatives. In the process, I became a massage therapist and energy intuitive, specializing in emotional-energy process work. In restoring my own health, I learned the extraordinary power of the body to heal. Healing directly demonstrates that the past doesn’t have to be the future.
Naturopathic Practitioner | Andrews Healing Arts Clinic, LLC | Guilford

Attorney and Co-Founder of The Human Array
Hi, I’m Sarah, originally from (and still located in) the Midwest. My life has always been a journey of inquiry to uncover connections and deeper understanding. I ask a lot of questions! After college and law school, I practiced as a health care corporate and regulatory attorney and climbed the corporate ladder. And then started to sense a different calling. So I left my corporate job behind and embarked on a period of introspection and exploration. I met with interesting people, delved deep into areas of personal interest, traveled, spent time off the grid and in nature, and was fully present with my kids. Over time, I started a few businesses in the regenerative health, wellness, and agriculture space. Along the way, I took the Journey of Intrinsic Health course where I met Carrie.
Integration Specialist & CEO and Founder of Blue Start Education and Research, LLC
Suzy has been CEO and Founder of Blue Star Education and Research since 1999. Her company is dedicated to supporting your integration and that of your children by reclaiming once separated aspects of self. The by product of which is greater joy. Suzy personally applies all the tools that she teaches in her own life. In the process, she has reclaimed many unique gifts inherent to all who willingly integrate. She shares her mastery with you in everything offered on this site
Integration Specialist, Awesomism, Mulitidimensional Communicator

Author, Teacher, Publisher, and Consciousness Researcher
Penny Kelly is an author, teacher, publisher, consultant, Naturopathic physician, and researcher of consciousness. Early in her career she was an engineer for Chrysler Corporation, but left there in 1979 after a full, spontaneous awakening of kundalini to study the brain, consciousness, intelligence, intuition, and cognition. This was followed by 18 years of work as an educational consultant specializing in Accelerated and Brain-Compatible Teaching and Learning, working with both schools and corporations.
After purchasing acreage in 1987, she raised grapes for Welch Foods for a dozen years while also building Lily Hill Farm, now a large B&B. She worked with Dr. Wm. Levengood, biophysicist, for 15 years, studying materials from crop circles, animal mutilations, and extraterrestrial landing sites, as well as researching plasma, energy, and consciousness.
Founder of ChromoCymatics Wellness, Reiki Practitioner, Deejay
Relaxation therapies have been shown to improve overall health, including both the body’s ability to heal and the mind’s ability to cope with stress and anxiety.The Harmonic Egg® is an energy therapy that helps bring about a meditative state and a sense of relaxation and peacefulness. The client experiences 50 minutes of gradually deepening relaxation while being enveloped in the resonant vibration of music and colored lights.

Author, Lecturer, Co-founder and CEO of the World Research Foundation, President Less Complicated, Inc.
Sharing information in the areas of health, spirituality & philosophy through short posts. The majority of the information is from the Facebook posts of Steven A. Ross. On this site you will find additional information added to the posts which includes further resources on the various topics that are presented.
A Beautiful Heart an Open Mind and a Humble Spirit. This phrase came to me in a dream, and provides insight regarding how to achieve resonance with your Higher Inner Awareness.
Each of us contains a brilliant Light, a Light that reflects the Source that created us. We are all unique, because we are here, and we have been created to bring our special uniqueness to the world at this time. Let each of us shine our inner Light outward, and bathe the world in our unique colors of love, beauty, and laughter.
With love, in love and through love, Steve
Cognitive Neuroscientist, Author, and former Research Scientist at the University of Southern California
I want to live in a world where kindness is king – where humans can reclaim the word humanity and deserve it. My heart longs for a world where humans see themselves as part of a vast, interconnected network that includes nature (not as separate from it). I believe the lack of resources and treatments for mental health and trauma are a greatly ignored tragedy. Let’s create a world where we don’t have to strive for justice and equality – where it already is just and equal. I want to see the doors of perception blown wide open.
When I’m not working, you can find me obsessing over the latest true crime story, lost in a book, seeking the universe’s secrets, or hiking in the Santa Monica Mountains. And eating gummy bears because gummy bears are delicious.

Recording Artist, Sound Therapy Instructor, Author, and Founder of Songaia Sound Medicine
For more than three decades Ani has presented concerts, seminars and trainings across Eastern and Western Europe, Britain, Mexico and the United States. She has recorded more than two dozen albums of original music based on ancient, sacred traditions, and has performed in some of Europe’s great cathedrals, Egyptian temples, and for the United Nations.
She has done seminal research in sound healing and the relationship between musical tones, the human voice and healing. In 1992 she founded Songaia Sound, incorporating ancient sound science and Voice Diagnostics, dedicated to helping people of all ages to rediscover their unique magnificence and well-being. With our authentic voice and our love, everything changes.
Intuitive, life/spiritual director, Founder and President of Your Empowered Self
Deborah Cambio is a highly respected teacher, spiritual director, massage therapist, and life coach. For over 30 years Deborah has worked with clients to encourage, empower and inspire them to come into a fuller realization of their abilities, potential & purpose. Through her work, Deborah seeks to open her clients to greater self-realization, harmony, balance, and spiritual well-being.
Among her varied practices, Deborah is a massage therapist with certified work in polarity, reiki, aroma therapy, and other healing modalities. She also holds certifications in FourWinds Program Healing Practices, Applied Psychology, and Intuitive Therapeutics, Deborah received the Distinguished Service Team recognition award from Hyatt International.